Three more episodes of Loose Leaf Security are out, a series about authentication and password managers:
Using a password manager effectively
In a deeper exploration of password manager browser extensions and features for sharing as well as a survey of alternatives to password managers, Liz and Geoffrey go back to the topic of Loose Leaf Security's very first episode and discuss how password managers keep them safe in practice. In the news, a research firm makes dramatic claims about password manager security, and Facebook expands data tracking in worrisome ways.
Two-factor tidying
With a wide variety of possible two-factor authentication methods, it's difficult to keep track of which ones you're using - and which ones you could be using. Liz and Geoffrey talk about their personal strategies and how to handle difficult cases like custom authenticator apps. In recent news, there's improvements to using security keys with Google accounts and some surprises with automatic updates.
Password managers: how they should work and when they didn't
Liz and Geoffrey discuss password manager extensions in depth: everything from how they keep your passwords safe from malicious websites to how they sync your passwords between your devices to how they've made mistakes in the past. If you haven't picked a password manager yet, this hard look into the security records of popular password managers sheds light on which companies have earned your trust, but even if you're a long-time password manager user, knowing about their usual pitfalls helps keep you safe from potential future issues. Also, the new iOS 13 has a variety of security implications, and Firefox and Chrome change third-party cookie settings.
Head over to Loose Leaf Security or click the links above for the full audio and our detailed show notes. As always, you can subscribe to Loose Leaf Security in your favorite podcatcher and follow the project on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.