New Loose Leaf Security episode: More security stories!

The latest Loose Leaf Security is out, a handful of Geoffrey and my own security adventures, including concerns about Twitter's "favorites" evolved into "likes," and some juicier news stories:

A holiday teacup with green tea in it with star and heart frosted sugar cookies resting on the saucer

Security stories: surveillance databases, unlocking apps, unexpected photo booths, and evolving data

In a special holiday episode, Liz and Geoffrey take a look at some recent security stories in more detail, from surveillance databases facilitating identity theft to unexpected facial recognition at concerts to changes in the meaning of social network activity. They also discuss how to properly secure high-value apps on your phone and some of their own plans to improve their security over winter break.

For the full audio, the transcript, and our detailed show notes, head over to Loose Leaf Security or click the link above. As always, you can subscribe to Loose Leaf Security in your favorite podcatcher and follow the project on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.