Algae in pond water / crests and troughs / sea glass
Heavily grogged buff stoneware clay, slab-built, glossy bottle glass green glaze
Algae in pond water / crests and troughs / sea glass
Heavily grogged buff stoneware clay, slab-built, glossy bottle glass green glaze
Heavily grogged black stoneware, coil-built, denim satin glaze
The classic New York City treat reimagined as a pill jar
Tan stoneware clay with black speckles and light grog, slab-built and altered, porcelain slip, brown underglaze, black, white, and clear glazes
When brewing filter coffee, it's common to come up against one of the main limitations of the Niche Zero grinder: the Niche Zero has no markings past the 50 mark. Fortunately, there's a really simple solution to this problem:
Set your grinder to 50 and place a small piece of colored tape on the black calibration ring over the 0 mark. You can now adjust the grinder to create a coarser grind and keep track of where you are by tracking where the tape is. I like to think of this as creating grind sizes between 50 and 100 as the tape marks how much past 50 you've set the grind. To estimate the grind setting number, add 50 to the number marked by tape.
Sedimentary rock / canyons / weathering and erosion
Agateware made with tan stoneware clay with black speckles, red stoneware clay, medium brown stoneware clay, and grey stoneware clay, slab-built, clear glaze